We offer
Person responsible for regulatory compliance (PRRC)
Book now your Person Responsible for Regulatory Compliance (PRRC) and be assured that an expert takes care of your processes and products.
Book now your Person Responsible for Regulatory Compliance (PRRC) and be assured that an expert takes care of your processes and products.
on-demand – dedicated expert
– Client owns budget
– Invoiced monthly at a fixed rate
– Working against task order
– On-site availability of expert
– Mid-term assignment
As a service, Avanti Europe will provide a dedicated expert in the role as your PRRC. The PRRC can be booked as part-time resource in full compliance with Article 15 of the EU MDR (2017/745) for micro- and small companies. The PRRC is not available for other companies, i.e. for companies with globally more than 50 full-time employees or more than 10 million Euros in global revenue from sales.
Our experts in the role of your PRRC comply with the qualification demands from the Medical Device Directive (MDR) 2017/745. The role of the PRRC will cover the aspects of:
tuning to your demand
– Client defines processes
– Client defines products
– Client defines time frame and frequency of reporting
– Digital data exchange
– Back-traceable reporting
Our experts acting as PRRC under your quality management system (QMS) require access to documents and information in order to fulfill their tasks best. Digital access is here the best choice but thanks to our versatile approach, paper documents can be used as well.
An Avanti Europe expert acting as the PRRC needs access to at least the following documents:
optimized cost structure
– Depending on process landscape
– Depending on number of products
– Depending on number of marketed countries
– Depending on work-load
– Invoiced as a monthly fixed rate
Costs are transparently fixed at the beginning of a term. A term can be individually set or prolonged with a minimum of 6 months in order to benefit from the tool set of a PRRC and its expertise.
Depending on the volume of documents and number of products, the PRRC can be booked starting at a very low work load percentage. Depending on demand, further development, expansion of the market or alike, the PRRC resource can be easily scaled to the demand.